pp108 : Process and Activity Monitoring Types

Process and Activity Monitoring Types

This topic explains the concepts of Process and Activity Monitoring based on Start-time and End-time.
Monitoring Type Example
Process Monitoring based on Start-time and End-time The data for monitoring is fetched from the Process start-time and Process end-time.For example, in an Order-to-Cash process you want to measure an aspect called 'Total no. of orders processed' in last 3 days. Assuming that today is 22nd April'08, the 'Total no. of orders' are fetched for the process which started 19th April onwards and ended on 22nd April'08.
In such case, the following condition is applied for fetching the data:
Process start-time >= 19.04.2008 and Process end-time <= 22.04.2008
Process Monitoring based on Start-time The data for monitoring is fetched from the Process start-time, irrespective of end-time.For example, in an Order-to-Cash process, you want to measure an aspect called 'Total no. of orders processed' in last 3 days. Assuming that today is 22nd April'08 the total no. of orders are fetched for the process which started between 19th and 22nd April'08.
The following condition is applied for fetching the data:
Process start-time is between 19.04.2008 and 22.04.2008
Process Monitoring based on End-time The data for monitoring are fetched from Process end-time irrespective of start-time.For example, in an Order-to-Cash process you want to measure an aspect called 'Total no. of orders processed' in last 3 days. Assuming that today is 22nd April'08 the total no. of orders are fetched for the process, which ended between 19th and 22nd April'08.
The following condition is applied for fetching the data:
Process end-time is between 19.04.2008 and 22.04.2008
Activity monitoring based on start-time and end-time: The data for monitoring is fetched between Activity start-time and Activity end-time.For example: In an Order-to-Cash process, 'Ship order to customer' is an activity and if you want to measure an aspect called 'Count of orders Shipped' in last 1 week. Assuming that today is 22nd April'08 the total no. of orders is fetched for the activity which started 15th April'08 onwards and ended on 22nd April'08.
The following condition is applied for fetching the data:
Activity start-time >= 15.04.2008 and Activity end-time <= 22.04.2008
Activity monitoring based on start-time: The data for monitoring is fetched from Activity start-time irrespective of Activity end-time.For example, in an Order-to-Cash process, 'Ship order to customer' is an activity and if you want to measure an aspect called 'Count of orders Shipped' in last 1 week. Assuming that today is 22nd April'08, the total no. of orders are fetched for the activity which started between 15th April'08 and 22nd April'08.
The following condition is applied for fetching the data:
Activity start-time is between 15.04.2008 and 22.04.2008
Activity monitoring based on end-time: The data for monitoring is fetched from Activity end-time irrespective of Activity start-time.For example, in an Order-to-Cash process, 'Ship order to customer' is an activity and if you want to measure an aspect called 'Count of orders Shipped' in last 1 week. Assuming that today is 22nd April'08, the total no. of orders are fetched for the activity which ended between 15th April'08 and 22nd April'08.
The following condition is applied for fetching the data:
Activity end-time is between 15.04.2008 and 22.04.2008

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